We live in a wonderful, unique neighborhood comprised of a great community of people!  The Falcon Ridge Homeowners Association is a voluntary group formed to benefit all of us with community activities, distribution of information and beautiful grounds.  To ensure the success of our continued efforts we need your help.  Your annual membership dues enable the Association to:

  • professionally landscape commons areas,

  • host social opportunities throughout the year,

  • decorate the front entrances for the holidays,

  • and many more community-building efforts

Please communicate your ideas/concerns at falconridgehoaomaha@gmail.com, and, if you would like to be more involved, consider volunteering during an activity and/or to be on the board.

2025 Dues

The 2054 Falcon Ridge Homeowner Association dues are due January 31st.  Your payment must be postmarked or received at the address below by January 31st, 2024 or a $25 late fee will be assessed. Kindly send your check of $215.00 made out to Falcon Ridge HOA along with the bottom portion of this letter to 6550 S 184th Street , Omaha NE  68135. You can also pay via Zeffy

Please direct any questions to: board@hoafalconridge.com

Pay your Falcon Ridge HOA dues online:

Pay your Falcon Ridge HOA dues online securely using Zeffy. You can use your existing Zeffy account or any credit card using the “Zeffy” button below. Your Falcon Ridge HOA dues are $215. Please contact us if you have any questions!

Please note that a $25 late fee will be added March 1st. The Zeffy link below will redirect you to pay your dues.

Pay your Falcon Ridge HOA dues via check:

Send a check for $215 payable to Falcon Ridge HOA to:
Falcon Ridge HOA
6550 S. 184th St.
Omaha, NE 68135

Please include the $25 late fee if paid after March 1st.

Thank you for your prompt payment and support! We greatly appreciate it!