Falcon Ridge HOA Covenants

The Falcon Ridge HOA review helps to ensure we are following our neighborhood covenants and maintaining property values throughout the neighborhood

The Falcon Ridge HOA review helps to ensure we are following our neighborhood covenants and maintaining property values throughout the neighborhood

Falcon Ridge HOA Paint Color Approval

According to our covenants, all paint color changes in the Falcon Ridge neighborhood must be approved before work is done. To submit your paint color for approval, please do the following:

Show the paint colors on your garage door, as shown in the photo.

Take a picture of your garage door with surrounding brick/siding.

Send the photo indicating which colors will be used for what purposes (i.e., house color, trim, etc.) to FalconRidgeHOAOmaha@gmail.com with your name and address for approval.

Other Home Improvement Projects

If you are planning to change your landscaping, deck/patio, or any other type of outdoor project, submit your projects and plans to the HOA board via FalconRidgeHOAOmaha@gmail.com